House of Lords report - A new EU Alcohol Strategy?

09 Mar

The House of Lords European Union Committee has today published its report 'A new EU Alcohol Strategy?'

The report looks at alcohol abuse and harms, the EU Alcohol Strategy 2006-12 and the case for continued EU action as well as possible policy approaches, pricing and marketing etc.

In terms of licensing, notable recommendations include those relating to pricing.

With regard to the mandatory condition prohibiting alcohol being sold at less than the 'permitted price', the report states: "We recommend that the Government review the formula laid down by the 2014 Order for calculating the minimum permitted price of alcoholic drinks. We hope that other Member States may take equivalent action".

In respect of minimum pricing, the report recommended that: "If the Court rules that minimum unit pricing is lawful under EU law, we recommend that the United Kingdom Government monitor the effects of its introduction in Scotland. If MUP does appear to be successful in bringing health benefits to the heaviest drinkers, the Government should implement the undertaking it gave in 2012 to introduce MUP in England and Wales."

Further, of note in relation to labelling, the report stated:

"We recommend that the Government should press the Commission to propose amendments to the Food Labelling Regulation. These should make it mandatory for labelling on alcoholic beverages to include information on the strength, the ingredients, nutrition, and the dangers of drinking during pregnancy."

For those interested, the full report can be found here.



Law correct at the date of publication.
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